The world laments the passing of the exceptionally talented musician, Bulelwa Mkutukana, renowned as Zahara. The revered artist gracefully took her leave on a poignant Monday night, leaving her admirers with a profound sense of sorrow. Zahara’s departure, a consequence of a two-week struggle with liver complications, unfolded within the serene walls of a private Johannesburg Hospital, where her devoted fiancé, Mpho Xaba, maintained a vigil at her bedside.
The heart-wrenching news transpired just before 9 pm, signifying the culmination of Zahara’s health battle. A source intimately connected to the artist shared this tragic moment, indicating that an official statement from the family would be forthcoming. In her final moments, Zahara sought solace in the presence of Mpho, her steadfast companion.
As the news disseminated, Oyama Dyosiba, spokesperson for the Mkutukana family and Zahara’s cousin, confronted the challenging task of contacting Xaba on that fateful Monday night. Dyosiba, situated in Cape Town, detailed the arduous effort to reach Mpho, emphasizing the disorienting and far-reaching impact of this loss.
A week earlier, the family had conveyed Zahara’s hospitalization, expressing gratitude for the support and empathy extended during those trying times. The family underscored the significance of relying on accurate information, guiding the public to Zahara’s official social media channels for updates on her health.
Amidst the ordeal, Zahara’s family from East London embarked on a poignant journey to Joburg, standing united with Xaba. Initially admitted to a medical ward, Zahara’s condition worsened, necessitating a transfer to the Intensive Care Unit of the private hospital.
In her final days, the artist’s condition deteriorated, resulting in reports of her unresponsiveness. Zahara’s departure leaves an enduring imprint on the music world, fostering reflection on life’s fragility and the lasting impact of her artistic legacy.